Kalv Sachet 14s is manufactured by CCL Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd. It falls under the category of Consumer Products. It will be delivered within 24 – 72 hours across Pakistan. This Kalv Sachet 14s is available at Next Health. Next Health offers delivery of Kalv Sachet 14s in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar and also across other cities in minimum time.
Kalv is a unique combination of plant source calcium, vitamin D, magnesium & vitamin K2. A complete calcium supplement for growth and development of bones by meeting the daily requirements of calcium & vitamin D. Daily intake of Kalv helps to enhance calcium absorption from the gut, improve bone health in adults, supports growth & development of bones & teeth in children.
Why use Kalv sachet?
Kalv is a multivitamin product used to manage calcium deficiency due to poor diet, certain illnesses and during pregnancy.
- Bone builder
Calcium is the building block for strong bones. - Bone Helper
Kalv contains 400 IU of vitamin D3 which helps the absorption of calcium, making the bones resilient. - Bone optimizer Kalv contains 90 mcg of vitamin k2 as mk7 which optimizes the use of calcium and prevents its deposition in the blood vessels which lowers the risk of heart disease, and enhances the deposition in bones which makes strong bones.
- Bone energizer
Kalv contains 32 mg Magnesium which helps revitalize the bone and also regulates calcium levels.
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